Florio Winery
Liquid Art
Florio Winery
Liquid Art
Florio Winery
Founded in 1833 by Vincenzo Florio, the Florio Winery in Marsala look out towards the bright sea of western Sicily. Wrapped by the energy of the winds, brushed by a salty tang from the waves, these beautiful and silent cellars harbour the oak-wood barrels where Florio Marsala gently ages in seemingly motionless movement. Hundreds of barrels, vats and kegs, each holding its own story, breathe the sea through the tuff-stone floor, in the high naves where perfumes and architecture blend. This wonderful place is the theatre where the Sicilian idea of beauty is distilled, and our oenologist – through the wise use of space, time and oxygen – creates Marsala wine by slowly blending all its sensorial potentials.

The Origins of Marsala
Florio Range
Aging terroir, hard enology, time and craftsmanship, emotional transport and winemaking and cellar balance.
Come and discover the historic Cantine Florio
Built in tufa stone by Vincenzo Florio in 1833, the Cantine Florio welcomes more than 50 thousand visitors each year inside unique environments where history, architecture and design are mixed together, for a journey into an exclusive world that surprises even the most knowledgeable wine tourists.
News from the world of Florio
News, events and other unmissable updates on the Florio world.